So, what makes a Totally Natural Soap anyways? That's a good question that I'm happy to answer for you!
First off I need to tell you that the reason I started this company.. It's because I am very dedicated to purity and the best ingredients I can possibly get my hands on to put in and on my body and I promise that I will never, ever put harmful chemicals and artificial anything in my products. It has to be 100% pure and real to make it into anything I make and sell. That means, no detergents, phosphates, chlorine, petrochemicals or artificial dyes, so it's 100% biodegradable and safe for the fishes :) I use 100% pure, high quality coconut oil and olive oil as a base and then I add the best therapeutic grade essential oils there are (Young Living Essential Oils) to fragrance my soaps. And for color and texture I add herbs and natural things like lavender flowers, or rosemary powder and spearmint leaves, even activated charcoal powder for my charcoal soap to make it it's rich black color, which not only adds color but is a functional ingredient as well. And I am dedicated to stopping animal testing, so of course non of my products have ever been tested on animals, I use everything I make and tweak it until I am very happy with the end result for myself and for my customers <3 And the last step is wrapping, I try to be economical so I use recycled cardboard that's been turned into paper, which helps lighten the load on our environment a little :) All the artwork on my products I have done myself, hopefully it will be getting better as I get more experienced in this business. I hope you go to my Products tab and take a few moments to read more about each of the products that I make.
And just to give you some background about myself, I am a 18 year old Christian girl who loves the earth and wants to learn and share about it's healing power as much as possible. I have graduated high school and will be studying herbology, naturopathic medicine, nutrition and botany as my college education. My long term goal is to learn how to naturally heal people with the gifts our planet has given us for that very purpose. I hope you will support me in my journey, and please know that when you buy a product from me all the money is going to go back into the business to help it grow so I can offer more variety of products and continue my herbal tinkering.
God bless, and I truly wish everyone who stops by this blog the best and that they thrive in what they are meant to do! Follow your dreams, you never know where they might take you :D
Abigail Sitter